It is imperative that your artwork is saved correctly so that we can complete your sign the way you designed it on time!
QUICK STEPS TO MAKE SURE YOUR FILES ARE CORRECT: All text converted to outlines, paths or curves
All graphics converted to lines with no fills
All graphics and text have clean lines
Save files according to software guidelines below
IMAGES: All images must be saved as outlines. Scanned and bitmapped images must be converted to lines, curves or paths. Images that have file types such as tiff, bmp, jpg and gif are all unacceptable. It may be necessary to redraw the image to transform it from an image to vector art.
DELIVERING FILES: Insignia is able to receive your files in a variety of ways. The fastest, simplest way is via the internet through FTP or E-mail depending on the file size. If E-mailing be sure to include your name, company and phone number so we can contact you.